Friday, July 23, 2010

Charts for sale

I think I am going to try to list some of the charts I have for sale here on my blog. Here is the information you need to know if you see any chart that you would like to have. You must pay by paypal and I charge $2.00 for shipping and handling. I am going to list some charts here and some on Ebay and see which way I like better. I will try to post what I have tonight. First comment gets the chart, if there are multiple people interested and then you have 2 days to pay or I offer it to the next person. Just like ebay, there are no returns. Thanks and I hope that this works out for all my fellow stitchers out there!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


ONE of my children just called me into my room. He is taking a nap before work in my room, because it's quieter on that end of the house and he works night shift. He was concerned that he was on my "stunt pillows" - you know, the ones that are just there for looks! LOL! Well, at least he knows NOT to sleep on my stunt pillows. Too funny!! Oh, sorry it's been awhile since I blogged. Life, you know. I will be back in the swing of things tomorrow hopefully.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Great Giveaway

Go here for a great stitcher's giveaway. She has a really nice blog, too! Back later with cheap chic and other stuff.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Here It Is!

Here is is - FINISHED! :(
It's a Heart in Hand kit that I got off Ebay for $5.00 - with the linen, threads, charm and everything. I had such a great time stitching it! Close up -

I don't normally show the backs of my projects, but I've been working on keeping things really neat on the back. Here is what I ended up with this time -

Not too bad! I'm trying to decide if I want to stitch it again or maybe I should just move on to the other 99 projects I have on the go? Oh, and I finished an exchange for Michelle and I'll show pics when she gets it in the mail. Michelle, if you are reading this I'm putting your July in the mail today! See you later friends!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Have you ever started a project and just become TOTALLY SMITTEN with it? Couldn't put it down, why can't it be bigger, oh I don't want it to end - that kind of feeling? Tomorrow I am going to show the object of my attention for the last 3 days. Now, keep in mind that I have roughly 100 projects started at this point. And yet, I started this one. Patriotic stitching has occupied my mind these days but I feel that Halloween stitching thoughts are starting to wander around in my brain. Well, come back tomorrow to see the latest project finished. I'll be sad. Good thing there's another one (or more) waiting in the wings!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Little Bit of This for A Little Bit of That

We had to do this in TN:
To do this in Michigan:
Just to be clear - the kids did not ride in the moving truck. Everyone is moved in and settled. Most days I walk the 2 streets over and have a visit with Little Man, Pretty Princess and #1. DD is even learning to cross stitch! Life is good!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Linking up to Frugal Fashionista Fashions on Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Linking up to Frugal Fashionista on Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Go here to read more about frugal finds! She is the one who inspired me to start putting together outfits that fall into the "cheap chic" catagory! I will be back next week with another outfit that makes great financial and fashion sense. Well, MY fashion sense, at least! LOL!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When Do We Get Back To "Normal"?

I have a small thing about chaos. Don't like it. Makes me anxious, so needless to say this past week has just about put me in the bed! But, after today at 4:30 at least I will know how to plan my week. And today is Tuesday. I usually do this on Sun, but Monday was a holiday for almost everybody. I got jury duty for the month and this little bit of civic duty has just played havoc with my schedule. Hopefully tonight we will have the glorious schedule and all will be well. And apparently we must apologize to all of Michigan for bringing back heat and humidity from TN with #1, the Marine, Little Man and Pretty Princess. I don't know how it slipped into the moving truck, but I'm arranging to FedEx it back where it belongs. As soon as I can schedule it.
In stitching news, there will be some glorious show and tell soon as I have been so stressed that I have stitched myself into a frenzy! There is an upside to all this, I think! Well, take care and keep cool.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We're back and all is well

Just popping in to say that out of 36 hours we were gone, 25 of that was in the car. Of the 25 hours, 15 of that was with 2 toddlers. They did a really great job. DVD's in cars are awesome! Will pop in later with pics and all that. Happy Fourth!!