Monday, May 28, 2012

Today and Everyday

Please take a moment today to remember those who have given their lives while defending our freedom....and those who are serving still.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Some Progress

  1. Prairie Schooler Boo To You - there's 9 designs
  2. Blackbird Designs - Remember Me
  3. Just Cross Stitch -Candy Corn Witch
  4. The Stitcherhood - Expressions: Halloween there are 8 and I have 2 stitched
  5. Just Cross Stitch - Autum Harvest Needleroll
  6. A Christmas Ornament freebie from the internet
  7. Just Cross Stitch - We Lift Up Our Hearts in Thanksgiving
  8. Lizzie Kate - Good Things Come To Those Who Stitch
  9. Blackbird Designs - Casting a Spell Stitching Box/Pincushion
I am working away at the rest and hope to get them mostly finished by next weekend. Hey, I can dream right? Here are some pictures of those projects and others I need to "finish". Looks like I need to plan a "Finishing Friday"!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Oh good heavens, I have been busy. As soon as I say that I am returning to blogging, everything turns upside down and there is much to do. Not bad stuff, just every day stuff. We are trying to find a house to rent at the end of the summer because we think we have a buyer for our house. So, we are cleaning and getting things in order to make this happen. That is the biggest thing I am dealing with right now. In the cleaning spirit, I cleaned out my stitching bag. I have 3 actually but this one is the one that has the most in it. Here is the list of the UFO's in this bag -
  1. Prairie Schooler Boo To You - there's 9 designs
  2. Blackbird Designs - Remember Me
  3. Just Cross Stitch -Candy Corn Witch
  4. The Stitcherhood - Expressions: Halloween  there are 8 and I have 2 stitched
  5. Just Cross Stitch - Autum Harvest Needleroll
  6. A Christmas Ornament freebie from the internet
  7. Just Cross Stitch - We Lift Up Our Hearts in Thanksgiving
  8. Lizzie Kate - Good Things Come To Those Who Stitch
  9. Blackbird Designs - Casting a Spell Stitching Box/Pincushion
These are all in various states of stitching. Ugh. I am going to power through these and see how many I can finish by the end of the month. And, I am doing a ribbon wreath at the same time. Stay tuned - at the end of this adventure I need to get rid of all these charts. There will be a giveaway coming soon and another one as I finish. Also, there may be some charts listed to sell. Wish me luck!!