Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Truly May Never Garage Sale Again

Ok, I started this story earlier so now I'll tell you what happened. I stopped at a few garage sales in our area on Fri. and alas, the garage sale gods were not with me. Not a problem. On my way home, I saw a small sign for an estate sale. Yipee, I thought. Checked out the stuff in the front yard and was told by a nice young man to check out the inside. Everything was for sale even the house! Don't think I could fit that in the Focus, but wondered what was inside, as this sale was obviously for an older lady (macrame, need I say more?). There were 2 little old ladies inside that told me to look around and ask about any prices. The owner had, unfortunately, recently passed and everything had to go. Even the house. Ok, I get that part. Went in her little bedroom and ...... wait for it..... the ladies' teeth were still in the cup by her bed! Ewww. The older lady pushing the house sale noticed it about the same time I did and just shrugged and said, "That's what we get for putting a man in charge." Then, to make things even more interesting, I opened a drawer on a dresser that they did have a good price on and her "drawers" were still in there. Well, I just left. Note to self - make sure I put a woman in charge of my stuff when I go and make absolute sure that my undies do not become garage sale fodder. That just isn't appropriate. LOL! I will explain the appropriate comment in a later post. I know, the fun never ends!!


  1. Oh-my-gosh! Unbelievable! Hopefully your next garage sale adventure will hold more goodies, Lisa :)
