I am linking up to Notes from a Cottage Industry's Words to Live By. http://acottageindustry.typepad.com/. This is my first time linking, so I hope I do it right!! My Favorite quote and very helpful in my life right at this moment is -
"It is what it is."
Love the simplicity of this. And, so true. Have a wonderful week everybody and no stressing!! LOL!
Her blog is awesome and I have been reading it for a long time. I love her decorating and just following her life. She's been very inspiring to me!!
"Everything seems to be going well. Clearly I have overlooked something."
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
If I Write About It, I'll Cry...So I Won't
Today is a very special day. SOMEBODY in my family turns 3 today. I was there when he was born. I hoped to always be there. I'm not. I've missed every one of his birthdays thusfar. Not a good feeling. But, I WILL always be there for him. Maybe not in body, but in spirit. I would write more because there's alot in my heart, but I can't. I just can't. Well, I'll just say - Happy Birthday, Buddy. I love you.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Enough With The Snow
I just have to publicly say it - I'm over the snow. We were lulled into thinking it would be an easy winter (or maybe it was just me) and now, well, it can stop snowing any time. Really. That's enough. Thankyouverymuch.
Charity Patterns

Here are a few charity pattern links that I have used. First is http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/. Next we have http://www.knittingforcharity.org/ and last we have http://www.lionbrand.com/ and click on the pattern link.
Here's a picture of what I did this month. I have another hat to finish that is a smaller camo one. This will be mailed to WV on Saturday. If I can do this, you can, too!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Two Posts in One Day! Yeah
Just wanted to comment about an exchange that I am doing with Michelle in Las Vegas! I'm having so much fun doing this and it has helped me get on a schedule!! I will take some pictures to post tomorrow of the beautiful cross stitch that she did for me. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to exchange gifties with someone! OK, have to go stitch now!! Take care!
Bad Blogger
Well, even after all my great planning, I still didn't keep up with the daily blog. Life got in the way, folks, but that's ok. Big Daddy is working more than ever now and I am not working as much. I am trying to get in the swing of a schedule for getting everything done. It's hard. But I have kept up my commitment for the 6 baby hats or booties a month. I have a box ready to go now. I enjoy doing them so much and I hope that they will go with my blessings for these little ones. Our children were so blessed (and still are) that we had everything we needed (and a lot more) when they were born. Alot of the babies that these are going to don't have alot. Well, at least they have a little hat or booties now. Theya re not works of art, but hopefully they do the trick. If you are a knitter or crocheter, please consider finding a simple pattern online and making some items. Do a quick search and see if there is a local group that will take your donations. When I get done with an item, I hold it and say a quick prayer that the child that gets this gets a healthy and happy start in life. It feels good to contribute. Ok, that being said, I will blog more. Maybe not every day, but more. Also, there's some big news coming in the future. A BIG opportunity for me. Will let you know more later. Bye!
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