Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thank You!

I loved all the responses I got and really liked the one about best two out of three. I think that's where I was in the decision making process. So, the decision was to see what happens next without making a decision. And, so far, it's been ok. It's good to hear what other people do in these times. Thanks!
It is a momentous day here and I must apologize to the people in my area. My youngest, number 5, took his road test and PASSED. He and Big Daddy are at the Secretary of State's office as I type getting the coveted LICENSE. How did this happen? It was only yesterday that he was a baby! Now he's a junior, football and hockey player and now a driver. Oh My.
I have pics of some projects and our mini-vacation that I will post soon. Also, went to the Casino in Canada last night for the first time (we are in a border town) and had a fabulous time. Came home with more money and that is always good. Only $12.00 more, but hey - that's fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lisa:

    I just sent you an e-mail - you signed up for a PIF on my blog last September, and I can't find your mailing address. Can you please let me know, so I can mail you your PIF.

