Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to the Party

The pity party, that is. Well, my wonderful news turned out to be not so wonderful. I was in talks for a job and thought that the job, which had been offered to me, was a lock. Then, the company started requesting yet another interview (would have been #3) and told me it was for a whole other job teaching younger children. I don't really have experience with the age group that they started talking about. I'm not really sure what happened. So now I am in a funk. It just opened up alot of hurt, which is silly. I know. I am very luck that Big Daddy works at a wonderful job that takes care of all our needs and then some, but I just wanted this job. It really is for the best, what with football and hockey season, choir, grandchildren, etc. but still...... Ok, I will wallow for a day or so and then I have to let it go. Stitch therapy is called for. Thanks for hanging in there, if you are reading this. I do appreciate all the comments and emails that I get from people who take the time to read when I do write. Take care all!!


  1. Sorry the job didn't work out, hope another opportunity pops up for you :)

  2. Sorry about the job not coming through. Just remember, there is a higher reason and things will happen for you soon enough...

  3. Sorry you are so disappointed, hope something else comes along soon ((((hugs)))).

  4. What a bummer. I'm so sorry! I hope something else comes along for you soon. This calls for a good project, a movie and some Oreos!

  5. Lisa you know what??? Maybe it's G-d telling you that you should stay home and be the Taxi-Service, Grandma & Mom that works best for the family. If my DH had earned enough that I didn't need to work back then I would have loved to have stayed home and been Mom (or in my case Mum cause i live in England) full time. I'm going to post this before I chicken out!
    Patti xxx
