Well, here's a picture of #3 and his "new" truck. It's great and he is thrilled with it! I'm jealous!! Yesterday turned out to be busy and today the same, so not many finishes to show, but I did get some things done.The pictures are below of the finished stitches. One is a Blackbird Designs freebie, done in the suggested DMC. I will stitch it again all in one color, I think. The other is a Prairie Schooler design. I love their snowmen! I will definately stitch this one again - it went fast! The floss tag is a freebie from Little House Needleworks. I didn't do a great job on the finishing, so I will keep that one for myself or else take it apart and make it an ornament. I know what I did wrong now and sometimes that's the only way to learn!! On Thursday I will be listing more charts on ebay and I will post the link here if anyone is interested. Thanks, Jules, for the suggestion! The picture I am most excited about is the suitcase. We leave on Friday (#1's Birthday, too) for TN and will be there until Tuesday. Only 2 of the kids are going, the rest have to stay here and work. I will be posting from there, I think, as well. I know you all (all 11 of you) can't live without my riviting posts! Well, take care and keep stitching!!
"Everything seems to be going well. Clearly I have overlooked something."
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Finishing Friday postponed and I sold my first item on Ebay! Cross stitch charts for sale
Life has gotten in the way of finishing today and the day got away from me. Tomorrow we are driving to Ohio to pick up a truck that #3 bought from his Grandad.So, finishing is postponed until Monday, I think. I'm bummed. I've been getting so many projects done. I need to get rid of more charts and the faster I finish, the more I get rid of. I listed something on ebay to see how it's done. It was easier than I thought and the item sold today!!! I'm so excited! I think I will post more things tomorrow. I have several Prairie Schooler charts that I have duplicates of that need to go and a cool hockey quilt pattern that I ended up buying twice. They should go up for sale tomorrow evening, if you are interested. I thought about just posting them here, but I don't have many readers so I think I can reach more buyers on ebay. Any thoughts? Oh and I will have the Little House Needleworks He's a Flake pattern up for sale, too. I stitched it twice and I'm on to the Pears. Well, have a great rest of the weekend!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What's In Your Oven?
If you are a hockey family, you will understand this. After the chicken nuggets came out of the oven for dinner, the brand new skates went in. That's right. Several hundreds of dollars worth of skates are nicely toasting in my oven. Well, at least they are new! LOL! I have alot of finishes for Finishing Friday! Check back tomorrow for some pics. I get some bonus stitching time, as there is a hockey practice tonight that we didn't plan on. That's at least one hour of good stitching time. I do watch some of the practice, in case you think I totally ignore #5. If you knew how many hours of practice I have sat at, you would understand. Well, have a great evening! The timer just went off - the skates are baked!!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I Won An Award!
Thanks, Julie for giving me this blog award! Her blog address is http://julies-creations.blogspot.com/ . Here's what I have to do:
The rules:
1. Accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Put the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself others may not know about you
6. Pass the award on to 10 others
Hmmm.... 10 things. Ok, here goes.
1) I took a nurse assistant course.
2) I am a quilter, but I don't quilt much anymore.
3) I have a secret obsession with taco chips.
4) I like to do laundry.
5) I don't mind ironing, but I'd rather use my iron for crafts.
6) I love books and read about all kinds of things.
7) I love office supplies.
8) I really love blogging and have considered sending notes of thanks to my blogging inspirations, but I'm afraid that they will think I'm stalking them.
9) Sometimes I don't get jokes as quickly as other people.
10) I actually have a high IQ!
I'm supposed to pass this on to 10 others, but I don't have that many readers! LOL! So, If you are reading this you deserve an award! Take it with my blessings and thanks!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Finishing Friday and Porn
EDITED AGAIN TO ADD - Thank you, Blogger, for returning my pictures.
Well, it has been a little hectic around here because we are sharing a car between 3 people and it is hockey tryout time, so all the projects I thought I'd get done are not. However, I did have 3 finishes, at least the stitched part, done. One is a Little House freebie and the halloween ones are from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue. I LOVE that issue and I hope they keep publishing it. I did have another finish, but I can't show it because it will be on it's way to Michelle on Monday. Well, have a great weekend. Oh and the last picture is some fabric porn. JoAnn's had a sale - got all for under $5.00!Enjoy!!
EDITED AGAIN TO ADD - Thank you, Blogger, for returning my pictures.
Well, it has been a little hectic around here because we are sharing a car between 3 people and it is hockey tryout time, so all the projects I thought I'd get done are not. However, I did have 3 finishes, at least the stitched part, done. One is a Little House freebie and the halloween ones are from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue. I LOVE that issue and I hope they keep publishing it. I did have another finish, but I can't show it because it will be on it's way to Michelle on Monday. Well, have a great weekend. Oh and the last picture is some fabric porn. JoAnn's had a sale - got all for under $5.00!Enjoy!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Normally, I don't spread tales of my goof ups, but I think I might just have to start. Then I can use the word debacle. Which seems to happen weekly here. Anyhoo...
When you start a new cross stitch project and you have a nagging feeling that you've done this particular pattern before, check it out. CHECK IT OUT. By not doing so, I now have 2 3/4 finished projects that are the same. I found the other UFO yesterday in the bottom of a drawer. ARRGGGHHH. Wasted stitching time. Well, not really. Someone will get a really nice stitched gift.....and I will have it's twin. I guess it's a win,win. But frustrating. I need to get the UFO's under control. Tomorrow is FINISHING FRIDAY!!
When you start a new cross stitch project and you have a nagging feeling that you've done this particular pattern before, check it out. CHECK IT OUT. By not doing so, I now have 2 3/4 finished projects that are the same. I found the other UFO yesterday in the bottom of a drawer. ARRGGGHHH. Wasted stitching time. Well, not really. Someone will get a really nice stitched gift.....and I will have it's twin. I guess it's a win,win. But frustrating. I need to get the UFO's under control. Tomorrow is FINISHING FRIDAY!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Twice In One Day!
Oh, I'm doing the happy dance! Just got the mail and got my second LHN ornament pattern. I'm doing Snowy Pines next. I think I ordered Pears too. It hasn't come yet, but I also ordered a little card from Prairie Schooler with a cute snowman to add to my collection. I can't start anything new until after Finishing Friday. I have to get some of the starts I have finished. At least the stitching part. I have a serious case of Startitis. I just get so excited about these patterns. Tomorrow I can post a picture of the exchange I did for Michelle, since I had an email that she got it in the mail. I can't wait to show you what she made for me. It's awesome!!
I Have Serious Problem
Ok, I'm sitting in the car after picking up #5 from school. He's 14. Almost 15 (in exactly 1 month). He is .........growing a mustache. Oh..........my.
This can't happen. I told him to shave it off. Posthaste. He LAUGHED at me. Doesn't he understand that it's like my heart was stabbed through!! He's just a baby. My baby. Arrgghh. This was after a rough morning. After a blissful hour of stitching upon arising, which is my custom, I was hungry. For a candy bar. Which I located. And ate. Then, I cried because a) I ate a candybar for breakfast and 2) most importantly, it was GONE. Today has been a better day, though. But still no shaving!
This can't happen. I told him to shave it off. Posthaste. He LAUGHED at me. Doesn't he understand that it's like my heart was stabbed through!! He's just a baby. My baby. Arrgghh. This was after a rough morning. After a blissful hour of stitching upon arising, which is my custom, I was hungry. For a candy bar. Which I located. And ate. Then, I cried because a) I ate a candybar for breakfast and 2) most importantly, it was GONE. Today has been a better day, though. But still no shaving!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A Productive day with more to come!

I feel so productive today! Here are some pictures of my latest finish. It is "He's A Flake" from Little House Needleworks and he was so nice that I stitched him twice! One time I stitched it on the recommended fabric and the second on 28 ct. evenweave that is more blue in color. I mostly followed the pattern, but on one I substituted red for the gold beads and the other I substituted gold. Another change was not so many big snowflakes on the first and no big snowflakes, just little ones on the blue version. I love the pattern! On Friday, I will list some charts that I have to sell. I need to unclutter to make room for more stash! Friday I will post more pictures of finishes and next week I can reveal the swap I sent to Michelle in Vegas! It's really cute and I'm very proud of it!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Can you keep up?
OK, here's a little snippet of how our evening should go - try to keep up. I will work until 4:30, then proceed to friend's house to pick up her child's hockey bag and stick, making sure that I get the right one (he plays 2 positions, lucky parents) and then proceed to myhouse to pick up my personal child and his hockey bag and stick. Make sure that I grab the snack basket on the way out the door, to privide excellent nutrition to both children. Then, proceed to the middle school to pick up friend's child from wrestling practice and load him in the car. Small car. 2 hockey bags, 2 teenagers and 3 hockey sticks. And the snack basket. Let's not forget about that. Then, race (within the speed limit of course) to hockey practice at 5:45. They will have about 15 minutes to get dressed. YIKES! Then reverse to go home. Crazy, I'm telling you. Will post more tomorrow on how the evening went and tomorrow is FINISHING FRIDAY!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Hockey Season that Never Ends
I posted this on facebook, but I thought I'd post here. Number 5 plays hockey and somehow his team ended up in the quarterfinals of their league playoffs. They played the first place team which had al
ready kicked our ass, but the last time we tied them. They were winning the game 2 -0, when our boys (and girl) came alive! They tied in regulation.Then, went to overtime. Game was stiill not decided. Then to a shootout! 12 players took turns and finally one of our boys put the biscuit in the basket!!! Yeah! Now, we're in the finals baby!! Go Longhorns!!
ready kicked our ass, but the last time we tied them. They were winning the game 2 -0, when our boys (and girl) came alive! They tied in regulation.Then, went to overtime. Game was stiill not decided. Then to a shootout! 12 players took turns and finally one of our boys put the biscuit in the basket!!! Yeah! Now, we're in the finals baby!! Go Longhorns!!
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